Get Started! 

Awakening U is an on-demand christian discipleship & training platform. Our goal is to increase your knowledge and understanding of God's word and learn how to apply it to the world around you. Watch this video to learn more about what is in store for you


Why Awakening U?

Whether you are working full time, in school, a brand new follower of Jesus, or in full-time ministry, these on-demand video teachings will strengthen your relationship with God.

  • Learn and grow alongside other faith-filled people 
  • On-demand video teaching
  • Interact with teachers and leaders to personalize your learning experience.
  • You'll get early access to all Awakening U content

What is Awakening U?

This site was designed for in-depth discipleship with world-class teachers and leaders covering topics from Basic Doctrine, the New Testament, Spiritual Warfare, and Finding Freedom in body mind and soul.

All of our content is available in once place- sermons, discourses, conversations all here...with the goal to ground you in good theology, create a strong foundation that can withstand the storm. These courses are created for you to connect with your Creator, learn His ways, discern His spirit, and come into the full knowledge of His truth.

Join Awakening U and join a community of faith- filled people committed to Christ.

Awakening U

Join for Free

  • Unlimited access to all Awakening U Courses.
  • Video Lessons and Course Guides
  • Exclusive short clips, sermons and live events
  • Online Community 
  • Live classroom experience on Tuesday's at 12pm eastern time via ZOOM. 

When Does New Content Release? 

Every every we release new lessons that are uploaded onto Awakening U. Course guides and exclusive videos are also added every month. A subscription gives you access to all of it